Thursday, December 10, 2009

You Capture: Lines

Lines...lines....lines. This was a difficult challenge for me, my creative juices just were not flowing. The only thing I could come up with for You Capture was my blinds. Every time I looked up and saw the light streaming through, I thought it might make a nice picture.
Not the most awe inspiring subject, but it works just the same. Here is a different angle, don't mind the ahem, dust. It seems maybe I should have dusted before I took a picture of the blinds.

Head over to Beth's to see some great captures.


Bunch of Barrons said...

Pretty sure my blinds are dusty too...haha. Good shots! :)

Colleen said...

I thought about taking a picture of my blinds, but I was afraid of what I would see. Your pics came out great and I didn't notice any dust.

Unknown said...

Those are some great lines. We don't have blinds. I think we should get some. Just so I can have those pretty lines to photograph : )

PS LOVE the twirling picture. How sweet is that?

Chocolate Girl said...

Funny how things you see every day can be really beautiful if you stop to really look a them.

Anonymous said...

Great shots!! I almost did the blinds but they were too dusty-LOL

Erin said...

I really like the blinds! Very creative.

Alana Jo said...

Great shots!

-Alana Jo
Please take a moment to check out my photos as well.
Have a blessed day!

Chandana said...
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